Ekta & Ollio
Every face on this is a different page from a book, its some street art that was created by Ekta and Ollio. This example of his work is pretty typical to the sort of work he shows in his sketch books. Its a very simple cartoony style that i find pretty interesting.
Andy Warhol
I saw a whole series of the Marilyn Monroe prints in Manchester in summer. I liked the pictures before but seeing them up close made me really appreciate the prints a lot more. I really liked how you could see the different layers of the screen print and how each picture was slightly different in the placement of the screen.
Ive always been interested in this area of design, I took this picture out of typography book and the logos above were designed by Julian Montague a New york based designer. I have designed a few logo for various different things like a clothing company and a night in Manchester.
Ingrid Siliakus
For my art foundation final piece i chose to study paper cut art. I created several paper cut structures copying the style of Ingrid Siliakus by only using on sheet of paper and cutting it and folding out the cuts at a right angle. I really like the intricacy and the sheer amount of time that goes into making a piece like this. To make a piece like this there is a degree of maths involved, it took me some time to get my head around it.
Seb Lester
Ive always been interested in typography and I especially like the work of Seb Lester. This was typographic 'sound effects' he created for an ad campaign. I like the flowing letters and lines he used in his work it makes for a really unusual font.
Martzi Hegedűs
I find things that trick the eye really interesting, this was a typeface created by Martzi Hegedűs named Frustro. It gives a whole new angle to the classic illustion.
Matt W. Moore
I found this guy whilst searching the internet, He uses colourful geometric shapes and lines to build up big images. His work varies from street art to advertising to logo design and band artwork.
Dalton Ghetti
The scale that this guy works to is amazing, he makes his work by using a scalpel and and sculpting the the lead of a pencil into a object. The level of detail he achieves is ridiculous.
Adam Beane
These miniature sculptures are hand crafted out of a material similar to clay called CX5. The image above is of the footballer Del Peiro. He makes a lot of sculptures for model companies but the level of detail he put into them is amazing.
Simen Johan Ive always been really interested in photography, I have chosen Simen Johan because i really like his work. His photos apear very surreal and dark and have a strange quality to them.
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